Monday, July 2, 2012

Custom Essays

         Research has shown that the art of writing has changed significantly over time. Gone are the days when custom writings were the norm; when teachers only taught students to present their custom essays in the block format; and using just one style that at that time had no name to refer to it. Custom writings involved the use of calligraphy and decorations using the ink and ostrich feathers. The custom essays writer chose what to write and how to write it while the reader’s duty was to receive the message of the custom writings in whichever form it was presented. Writing has however changed to the reader or customer directed way, where the customer states exactly what he or she needs to be written in the custom essays. The writer is merely a professional consultant to the custom writings or custom essays.
Custom writings have regained new meanings and now incorporate the ideas of the reader as the writer strives to satisfy the necessities of the customer/reader. Custom writings call for the user of the custom essays to pay attention to details as the writer might forget to include the necessary elements that could make the custom writings or custom essays salable. What used to be custom writings was the type of writings that was done in the traditional way; the type of writing that possessed huge vocabularies. Custom essays these days differ from the custom essays of the early 1900 in so many ways: modern custom essays follow different writing formats and style while the traditional custom essays had only a single way of writing because their audience were more or less the similar.