Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nineteenth century, The Rise of Nationalism

Just as the acquisition of territory had an economical rationale, so did the breakup of the Empire throw an economic component. The Great Depression caused the people of Britain to concentrate more on domestic concerns and less on the Commonwealth, with the exception of India. The heathen groups in the different regions of the Empire, however, saw their own economic future as bound with their nationalistic aspirations--escaping from the status of colony was an authoritative means of gaining control of the local economy and of making duty serve the regions involved rather than the colonial power. This tension was not peculiar to the British Empire but was get holdn in on the whole the colonial powers of Europe. The situation in India john provide a picture of what happened throughout the Empire as Britain was made to see it was too expensive to maintain the Empire and too hazardous semipolitically after World War II. The British in India integrated the Indian people into their economic system, viewing India as a source for goods to be carried to and sold in Europe. However, in that location was a shift in policy as dissatisfied British manufacturers demanded a turnaround so that Indian goods were proscribed from England and English goods were sold on the Indian market, and as while of this the British policy changed from encouraging Indian manufacturers to crushin

Simes, D. (1991, Spring). "Gorbachev's time of troubles." Foreign Policy, 97-117.

Scheper-Hughes, N. (1992). Death without weeping. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

In the mid1980s, the Communist passership decided to dilute its living authority and to bring society into a limited coalition to help it overcome problems of political and economic stagnation. Pipes says the leadership crap that there was no society and thus no helper:

Whatever its theoretical claims and propagandistic slogans, the Communist regime in fact enforced in the nigh extreme form the principles of Muscovite 'patrimonialism,' depriving the citizenry of all rights, notably the right to form independent organizations and to own property.
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By shifting all political authority and property to the state, the Communist regime eliminated every resemblance of an equilibrium between government and society (Pipes, 1992, 28).

The issue of nationalism did not disappear during the Communist era, nor did that of ethnic conflict. Ramet (1984) notes that nationalism can assume many forms within the multiethnic state:

The consequences of ethnic divisions, economic problems, and nationalistic aspirations be certain to gravel an meeting on Canada, Brazil, and India in the future, though in different ways. Canada and India are both faced by ethnic divisions which may lead in time to the disintegration of these countries as presently constituted. In Quebec, there is a French-speaking population divided on the issue of their future, whether to remain part of the union or to want sovereignty, and in this case linguistic differences seem to be the most important in creating tension between the Quebecois and new(prenominal) Canadians. The nationalistic aspiration is therefore present, and it seems that the stability of the Canadian federation may depend on economic issues. Both the federalists and the separatists have tried to assert that their way will assure economic success (T
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